How You Feel


I know how you feel

That heartbeat in your chest as you wake up

The eyebrows that never stop twitching

The fingers that tingle; the lips and their tremors

The ceaseless barrage of thoughts in your head

I know how you feel

Those swollen eyelids aren't from crying

It hurts you more, when your smile doesn't reach your eyes

The numbness on your back is not from sleeping wrong

The pills laugh at you from the corner desk

I know how you feel

When questions bludgeon their way through your mind

"How are you" is not just a passing remark

No, you're not weak. But it's difficult to remember

All of it invites you- the heartbeat. The blanket. The dark.


I know how you feel

But remember that you'll feel better; remember.

Stroke your hair once in while, and let it calm you down

Dance with yourself; Sing your favourite song

Hold your back that's been fighting alone for so long

I've got you. Say it. You're there for you.

I know how you feel

We're all friends here; all traveling in the same boat

The pill is a stepping stone; it's not mocking you

Get up from that bed, I know how you feel. But one step on the floor will feel better, I promise

I know how you feel

No one can see that storm you're going against; isn't that a boon?

You can keep wading through. You can sit down and breathe. 

It's all yours to be done. It's all yours to be felt

Move at your pace. But love, keep moving.

You need to meet yourself halfway.

I know how you feel.


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