Have you seen the shadows in front of the Sun
The scars that stay at the end of each day
As it sets behind the lake, weary
Have you heard what the marks say?
"They are just clouds floating by," he tells me
And I see his half crooked smile widen
Yet they imprint my memory of the sunset
The shadows in front of the Sun
Slowly the darkness impinges on the horizon
Yet, the blur of the shadows remain
"It's a mirage, it's not really there" he tells me
Look at the stars and wait till I rise again
So I count them as they fall, the stars
With a sense of doom, because I know
They cannot be wished away; they stay
Scars and stains, memories and shadows
"It's a new day, flower," I hear him from behind me
The nimbus incandescent with glitter and pearls
No flecks of yesterday tainting his aura
The conflagrant sun stands as his cloak unfurls
No shadow stays girl, no scar too deep to heal
He bent to my ear "But never forget
Step away, don't buckle when darkness comes
The suns never rise where they set"
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